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Our mission at Coffee, Book, & Candle is to create a cozy, inclusive space for readers & writers to find book reviews, writing tips, and fun posts on various aspects of bookish culture like tropes, literary analyses, and recs. We strive to be thoughtful, encouraging, and sometimes humorous as we each embark on our reading & writing journeys.

Review Policy & Disclaimers


Our review goals are to go into each book open-minded and to be authentic in our thoughts & analysis, highlight what did or did not fall into our interests, and to encourage readers to form their own opinions regardless of ours.


Please bear in mind that Jordan & Kori are two separate readers with our own interests & preferences, and that reading is an inherently subjective experience. We guarantee that no review, no matter our opinion on a book, will ever hold negativity for an author or for readers whose opinions differ from ours. Any critical analysis is reserved solely for the work itself, as it relates to our subjective experience, and will never venture beyond that. If you love a book we did not or didn't care for a book that we liked, that's wonderful and valid!

In line with our ethics, we will never review a book we have DNFed (not finished), notify anyone of posts they have not consented to be notified of, or promote views rooted in non-inclusivity. To keep our space safe & welcoming, we will also delete comments/remove access from users who insult, harass, or promote non-inclusive views in our spaces. Constructive criticism and respectful opinions, however, are welcome!

​This blog began as a hobby for the two of us, and our posts will always remain so. With that in mind, we do not post reviews outside our little corners of the web, and we may sometimes take unexpected breaks when life catches up to us. Our blogging is a free service provided in our spare time and does not reflect business practices in our professions.

Review Requests


With only two book witches in this cozy corner, we are unfortunately unable to accept review requests. Between each of us running a business and this blog, our schedules are too unpredictable to promise reviews within a reasonable timeframe.


Thank you for your understanding; we wish we could read every book out there!

Guest Post Policy


We do currently accept requests to guest post on our blog or for us to guest post on yours! Please feel free to submit a request through the form below after reading our policies.

Blog Topics

Book/Comic Reviews

Bookish/Cozy Living (travel, food, decor, etc.)

Book Recs, Favorites, Top 5-10 [in category]

Bookish Discussions (tropes, analyses, etc.)

Fantasy, folklore, or mythology discussions

Writing Tips

Publishing Tips

Book Marketing Tips

Blogging Tips


If you have a post suggestion that falls under the above categories, reach out with Guest Post in the subject, a summary of your topic, and a link to your site/blog if available.


  • We do not feature promotional posts. Requests to promote specific books or services will not receive a response. Any books, services, or products mentioned in our posts are based on our personal use and opinion, and we recommend discretion in checking them out for yourself.

  • At this time, we are unable to pay for guest posts, so we ask that you reach out on a collaboration basis. We credit each writer's preferred name and link(s), and we tag writers on their available social medias when the post releases. We're also happy to write a post in return!

  • Due to a high volume of requests and only two book witches on deck, we may not be able to respond to all guest post inquiries. If you do not hear back from us within 2 weeks, it is safe to assume we are unable to accept your request. If you feel we may have missed you, we encourage sending one follow-up! We'll respond ASAP if we feel your post fits our blog and schedule.

Guest Post Request

Thanks for your inquiry! We'll get back to you ASAP

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